sexta-feira, 6 de fevereiro de 2009


The Brazilian coast is a giant that extends South for more than 4300 miles of beaches and peculiar waves. Every wave claims its own board and the shaper fulfills the demand with math and arches creating performance, perfection, soul. On his quest for victory the surfer allies with this trinity that lasts hundreds of years. Surf Board is a documentary that runs the lines between those three dots (shaper, wave, surfer) revealing the ties that make them one.

Manufacturing the surfboard goes beyond the shape. It adds other people's labor as a whole. Glassing the board provides flexibility to the shape adding weight. Now with proportional volume the board comes to life with the step of the surfer aligning with the board's soul. Maneuvering the surfboard upon the waves is a sports glee conquering more fans every year.

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